At the end of the last post, we finished with a freshly installed and partially configured WoW vanilla private server using the Continued MaNGOS project (cMaNGOS for short). In that post, we did not discuss anything about running the actual server. To accomplish this, there are the following three options:
Install Wow Private Server On Linux
The above example creates a user called admin with the password of ilovethehorde. Next, we want to set the expansion version for the user account. We have installed a vanilla server, so we want to set the account expansion version to 0 for vanilla (1 is TBC etc.).
A couple of notes here. You must change the User= value to the name of your user account. In my previous tutorial, I documented that the user on my server is named manager, that is why I have specified User=manager. Next, you must also change the directory locations in the ExecStart= value. Again, I have used manager when specifying the home directory, and location of the cMaNGOS install location - you will need to update these paths to the correct value for your user account.
If you have your cMaNGOS server installed on a different system then the client you want to run, you will need to configure the realmd server for remote access. Basically, we just need to set the IP address of the server in the realm configuration. However, we have to edit this in the MySQL database, instead of the usual realm configuration file (the realmd.conf). If you are running the WoW client and server on the same system you can skip this section.
After that last configuration for the server, we can now set up the client to connect to the server. This process is pretty easy - in comparison to the work we have done so far. The first thing, you need a vanilla WoW client - specifically with patch 1.12.1. You should already have this, as you needed it in the first post when installing the server. Inside the client folder, there is a file named Open this file in any text editor, and set the IP address of your server. If your client and server are on the same system, you can use Otherwise, you will need to enter the IP address of the remote server. In my example, my server IP is - so my will have the following entry.
So far we have installed the server, set up a suitable method to start the server (systemd services), then actually connected to the server using a patch 1.12 client. Now we will start making some modifications to the server while it is running. Then we will discuss GM commands, which can also be run in the server console or in the in-game chat.
I already had a firewall implemented on my server, so I had to insert additional firewall rules to allow my cMaNGOS install to function correctly. FYI - the Ubuntu Server version comes with the iptables firewall already installed, but not configured. So in this section, we will discuss the ports used by the default cMaNGOS WoW private server, and talk about how to correctly implement a firewall.
This post carried on from the first post in this series called Installing a WoW Vanilla Private Server on Ubuntu Linux - where we installed the cMaNGOS classic private WoW server. In this post, we created a new account, created services to help manage the realm and game servers, connected a WoW client to our new server, and got the entire cMaNGOS installed up and running. Then we implemented some configurations in the game database, modified the server during run time using the admin console and GM commands. Finally, we discussed the use of a firewall briefly.
There are many projects available for implementing a Vanilla WoW server. I decided to use Continued MaNGOS (cMaNGOS for short) as my solution to build a server. After a little research, I decided this was the most suitable option for me - as it is well documented and stable. The cMaNGOS GitHub has great installation instructions and excellent general documentation. This tutorial follows the cMaNGOS Installation Intructions but tailors it to Ubuntu Linux, and adds additional discussion and bits of information I learned along the way.
During installation you should be prompted to set a password for the MySQL server for the root account, however, this varies between Ubuntu and MySQL versions. If a dialog box for setting the password is not displayed, you will need to manually run the mysql_secure_installation tool after the packages have finished installing (make sure to use sudo when running the command). Instead of providing lengthy instructions here, I would recommend reading the official mysql_secure_installation documentation in the MySQL Reference Manual. Make sure you set a MySQL root password, as during the cMaNGOS installation you will need this password.
To start, I recommend creating a base directory to store all files and data for your WoW Vanilla server. I have set up a dedicated directory called wow that resides in my users home directory. The remainder of this tutorial uses this structure, and I recommend following it if you are not comfortable changing the file system paths specified in this tutorial. To be specific, my server install is in the following directory: /home/manager/wow/. This location can also be called using: /wow/. This is because the tilde character () refers to the home directory of the logged in user - so if your username is batman and you make a directory called wow in your home folder, the notation of /wow will be the same for your user as it is for mine. The remainder of this tutorial provides commands that use the /wow location, so you will need to update these commands if you want to install the server elsewhere.
Some of these options are really important, and some of these are enabled by default. The basic things we require are BUILD_GAME_SERVER and BUILD_LOGIN_SERVER to power our server and allow the game to run and players to log on (these are enabled by default). We should also set BUILD_EXTRACTORS to be on, so we can build the extraction tools to extract art assets from the game client (discussed later). We should also set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX so that we install the server to a specific file system location. Finally, I like to enable BUILD_PLAYERBOT so that I can spawn some bots to play with (where you might require an additional player that is controlled by the computer, such as a dungeon when you are solo playing on your own server). If you want the same configurations as me, run the following cmake command.
So far we have only built (compiled) and installed the core server code. We still need to perform some server configurations and link together the database and server. To start with we will load the database data and then make some slight server configurations.
Now that we have installed the server and initialized the database we will start configuring our cMaNGOS installation. In this section, we will perform some basic customizations such as database connections for the server, realm name, and realm types.
OK! So far we have compiled, installed and configured our WoW Vanilla server. We initialized the database, but we did not actually populate the database with any information - such as NPCs and quest information. We will do this now. Start by changing into the directory of the classic-db repository that we downloaded right at the start of the tutorial.
This post discussed and outlined how to install a WoW Vanilla server on Ubuntu Linux 16.04. The end result is a private server that you host on a Linux system and connect to using the normal WoW 1.12 client. I personally installed a private server on my Linux box on my home network and practiced solo dungeons and tried out the various classes. Basically, I used it to get myself ready for the release of WoW Classic.
The next post in the series continues the journey of creating your own private WoW Vanilla server. Next time we perform various configurations of our server installation such as setting up methods to run the server easily, adding a firewall using iptables, creating accounts, and adding then using game moderator status and the associated gm commands.
Note: this tutorial is about creating a production WoW server hosted remotely in the cloud. If you are looking for how to setup a local development environment or domestic private server setup in your own machine, you can read this guide instead for Linux and Windows. For macOS users you can read this.
Note2: this tutorial is about creating a WoW private server for World of Warcraft Wrath of The Lich King 3.3.5a (WOTLK). If you look for another WoW version you can have a look at our article comparing different WoW emulators with different WoW versions.
World of Warcraft is a vastly popular online computer game played by millions of people around the world. While the majority of game servers are maintained by the game's creators, Blizzard, a group of people have designed a server program of their own, named Trinity Core. This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to compile and update your very own private WoW server.
Sometimes you just really want to play an older version of the game, or include certain character or gameplay modifications, or even include custom items in regular gameplay. A private server allows you to create a custom-tailored gaming experience specifically tailored to your preferences.
Before you start setting up your private Git server, you must have access to a spare machine or should be subscribed to cloud providers. This is important as you'll set up the spare machine to act as a Git server to which you'll connect from your local machine and perform Git operations.
A WoW private server is a web gaming server that hosts the WoW game. You can rent this server to play the game with higher uptime, ease, and less difficulty. In addition, you will get online security while playing the game.
Although you can host the game on your own, choosing a WoW private server will offer many advantages to you. You can benefit from their robust hardware and infrastructure with global coverage. Hence, no matter where you or your friends are, you can play the multiplayer game without any disturbances such as errors or downtimes. 2ff7e9595c